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Trybe – Trance Dance, Drum Circle & Ecstatic Dance + Cacao

May 1, 2022 @ 12:30 pm - 8:15 pm BST

Trance Dance & Cacao, Drum Circle, Ecstatic Dance & Cacao!


Join us for this 1- day exploration of Trance Dance & Cacao, Drum Circle, Ecstatic Dance & Cacao!

You’re welcome to come for the whole day or drop into individual sessions. All are welcome!

*Respectfully Socially Distanced & Covid compliant*

*Alcohol and drug-free environment*


We’re providing Londoners with a kind of sanctuary space to dance, be themselves, have fun, release stress, connect with their body, and stretch themselves beyond their usual way of being. You can attend the whole day or just drop-in for single workshops. No experience necessary.

There is this interesting phenomenon called “Entrainment” which occurs when different vibrating objects/ particles/ or even people come into proximity: they will often start, after a little time, to vibrate together at the same frequency. They “sync up/entrain,” sometimes in ways that can seem mysterious.

At Ecstatic Dance London we seek to raise the vibration of each of our dancers, but also as a community, to help spread inner peace, joy, relaxation and, a kind-hearted soul connection with your wider circle. Through music, dance, creative movement, body-mind integration practices and drumming circle we invite you to co-create this day of togetherness with us and RAISE OUR COLLECTIVE VIBRATION!

During the day you will have the chance to dance and dive into a selection of some very beautiful and unique movement & drumming practices.

“Drum sound rises on the air, its throb, my heart. A voice inside the beat says, “I know you’re tired, but come. This is the way.” ― Rumi


◈ 12:30pm – 3pm Trance Dance with *Cacao Intention Setting Ritual* Trance Dance is an invitation to a dance journey into yourself. You go inwards with your eyes closed and with the help of a blindfold, to see with your heart and connect with the wisdom inside you. *Please note: Use of a blindfold is essential to get the most out of this practice!(No entry after 1pm sorry, this is so we can all journey together. Please bring a yoga mat & blanket, blindfolds will be provided!)

◈ break 45min (selection of teas/coffee will be available in the kitchen)

◈ 3:45pm-5:30pm Drum Circle: Experience the uplifting power of rhythm! Realign with yourself, aligning with others and go deep through rhythm & trance. Learn some traditional African and World rhythms, create your own rhythms, learn songs and chants! (Please bring your own drum if you have one. We will also provide drums & percussion instruments and there will be an opportunity to swap around during the workshop (Djembes, Dunduns, Congas, Surdos, Bongos, Frame Drums, Shakers, Cowbells, Agogo, Shekeres and more!)

◈ break 30 min (selection of teas/coffee will be available in the kitchen)

◈ 6pm – 8:15pm Ecstatic Dance/Movement Meditation with *Cacao Gratitude Circle* (with sound system and optional of Silent Disco Headphones to fully immerse into the music! We will provide complimentary Raw Vegan Cacao – super yummy, the best in London for sure! )

◈ 8pm – Workshop ends

◈ 8:15pm -8:45pm Optional social with refreshing fruit to nourish you after the dance

–> More details about individual workshops, prices, facilitators – please scroll down.


1.Please come already dressed in comfortable clothing and dress in layers, there are changing rooms located on the 1st floor. Bring a set of dry clothes as you most likely will sweat during the movement classes.

2. We dance barefoot, in soft indoor shoes or grip socks.

3. a Reusable water bottle. Tap water refill available at the venue, outside the Roof Studio.

4. Yoga mat and blanket (essential for Trance dance ). Blindfolds for Trance dance will be provided.

5. Packed Food/ Snacks to have during the breaks,

6. Please bring your own drum if you have one.


Siobhan Davies Dance Studio, 85 St George’s Rd, London SE1 6ER

Nearest station Elephant & Castle, please check tfl .gov for latest travel updates. If you are driving, please be aware of congestion charge, find parking on parkopedia. There is a bicycle rack in the courtyard to lock your bike if you are cycling.

WHEN: Sunday, 1 May 2022 12:30pm-8:15pm

COST: Honesty based pricing system is in effect!


  • £50 Lower waged
  • £65 Regular

INDIVIDUAL WORKSHOPS (Low waged & Regular prices) Only on sale from 19th January as we are prioritising all-day tickets:

  • Tribal Trance Dance & Cacao 12:30pm-3pm £25- £30
  • Drum Circle 3:45pm-5:30pm £15-£20
  • Ecstatic Dance & Cacao 6pm-8pm £20-£25

PAYMENT: We have set a donation option to reduce your ticket fee cost, feel free to donate more and give from abundance. Please enter amount to purchase your ticket. Thank you in advance! Any tickets booked below the indicated donation amount will be refunded immediately. 1 ticket per transaction please. Limited spaces & ticket availability. Please book via Eventbrite .

EVENTBRITE ORDER CONFIRMATION: Email might be in the spam folder. Please check. Do not print any paper tickets, we will check you in by your name.

FREE CREW SPACES: We also offer limited FREE *crew spaces in exchange of you helping us set up and/or pack down. If you would like to crew, please send us an email to youareyoubeyou@gmail.com (*Requirement – you need to have attended at least two of our indoor events at Siobhan Davies Studios before you can join the crew)


We do not offer refunds/ticket swaps for another event if you cannot attend if less than 72h notice if provided. You are welcome to pass on your ticket to a friend, colleague or family member however please let us know the date & time of the booked session, name and email address of the person attending in your place for track & trace purposes. Send us an email with replacement person’s details to: youareyoubeyou@gmail.com

If we need to cancel the class due to unforeseen circumstances, we will issue a full refund. If you have any questions please feel free to send us an email: youareyoubeyou@gmail.com


Seth Newman: As a coach, Seth is dedicated to helping people calm, empower and rejuvenate their busy minds and bodies to achieve the best versions of themselves. Seth brings a wealth of experience holding heart-centered spaces.

As a musician, Seth is very passionate about rhythm & drumming, has an MA in Community Music from Goldsmith College, worked as a world music percussion teacher in East London schools for almost 20 years and started URUBU collective back in 2009 as a Live Music Ecstatic Dance experience with Afro-Brazilian drummers & musicians.

Seth has been running various body-mind integration classes and workshops for many years. His inspiration comes from many sources including Humanistic & Body Psychotherapy, the Human Potential Movement, 5 Rhythms, Tantra and Active meditations.


⋘ ─ ∗TRANCE DANCE∗ ─ ⋙

12:3OPM – 3PM

A beautiful experience including Cacao Ceremony & Blindfolded Trance Dance Ritual.

Through the use of a blindfold, raw ceremonial cacao, a transforming breathing technique and dynamic rhythms, percussion and ecstatic movements, we enter into the consciousness of our body, to feel, to express, to come home… to be completely Alive!


Trance Dance is an invitation into deep liberation, driven by our breath, our intentions, and energy, and moving deeper than our verbal intellect, we let go.

Our consciousness can then flow, liberating itself into the dance… and then the ecstasy happens…

Natural body movements and intuitive expressive dance are simply forms of an ancient pre-verbal language. It is an expression of the intelligence of our creative unconscious. Honouring the evolutionary intelligence encoded in our cells!

We all seek something to complete us and give us a feeling of fullness and meaning in our lives … – The answer is inside us!


We will set our intentions for Trance Dance with ceremonial grade cacao. Our Raw Vegan Cacao is prepared lovingly by Diana (who makes the best, velvety tasting cacao in town for sure!). She uses ethically sourced, highest quality ingredients from Guatemala, directly from a reliable cacao bean farmer. This rich velvety elixir is a doorway to the heart, celebrated and honoured by the Incas, Aztecs, Mayans and in many ancient traditions. Cacao, chocolate in its purest form, is a heart opening & totally natural NON-psychedelic medicine, containing an abundance of nutritional goodness & natural happy chemicals.

Release what no longer serves you, and invite in what you want more of in your life!

Facilitated by Seth Newman

My purpose is to facilitate rituals that empower “the whole human being” through dance and music. Like Bioenergetics and other somatic processes, for me, Trance Dance was another door to inner discovery and transformation. I have always been passionate about contemporary forms of music and dance that reclaim our vital energy and our creative potential. I believe that “letting go into life” is synonymous, with our “surrender to the body”. Letting go to the natural flow that moves through us. Letting go, to let flow!

It is through “the flow experience” that we express, feel and find ourselves, without being connected to “flow” nothing creative happens.

Trance Dance ritual is an ecstatic, creative process that returns us to the consciousness of the body and reclaims our Soul. For those who want to immerse themselves and explore their full potential, body, heart & soul!

Give yourself to the dance of life! The Trance Dance ritual invites you to have a direct experience of freedom, truth and power, with awareness. A drug-free ecstasy!

Feedback from previous Trance Dance events:

“An exceptional evening – everything I wanted and more! You know to experience such presence, inner stillness, sacred connection with other people, in such a short time with strangers here in London is rare to find. The body – movement – connection – presence – passion and love. I felt it all… Grateful”

“Fantastic and deeply moving experience. Powerful and blissful dancing expertly guided by Seth. Deeply grateful for the experience!”

“It was a very powerful, letting go, ritual experience. Brilliant!”

“I’m really surprised that I could feel so “high” without having to “intoxicate” myself!!! A great night and no hangover!”

“Wonderful experience. A magical journey into yourself, and an opportunity to just enjoy dance with a lovely group of soul dancers at the same time. Every movement body was a blessing. Thank you to Seth Newman to create this fantastic dance, it has helped me lot after a hard week. May Love connect us all. xxx”

“Brilliant! Brilliant! Brilliant!”

“Such a beautiful evening; powerful experience! Feeling blessed.”

“That was, excellent, friendly, well lead very different experience. Thank you”

⋘ ─ ∗DRUM CIRCLE∗ ─ ⋙

3:45PM – 5:30PM

Experience the uplifting power of rhythm! Realign with yourself, aligning with others and go deep through rhythm & trance. Learn some traditional African and World rhythms, create your own rhythms, learn songs and chants!

Drums & other percussion instruments will be provided, there will be an opportunity to swap instruments (Djembes, Dunduns, Congas, Surdos, Bongos, Frame Drums, Shakers, Cowbells, Agogo, Shekere sand more!). Feel free to bring your own drum if you have one.

No skills or experience needed. All welcome.

Drums have been utilised in every culture down through the ages, for many purposes from religious rituals, ceremonies, and as a way to communicate. Shamans used drumming as a means of reaching an altered or trance-like state so that they can connect with the non-ordinary states of being. Drumming has also been used therapeutically since ancient times to heal, empower, and unify.

Drumming is one of the ways we can connect though rhythm, sound, music!


Drumming can have positive effects on our physical & mental wellbeing. Here’s why drumming is good for us:

Makes you happy. Participate in one of our drum circles and you will see how happy it makes you! Drumming releases endorphins, enkephalins and Alpha waves in the brain, which are associated with general feelings of well-being and euphoria. Induces deep relaxation. In one study, blood samples from participants who participated in an hour-long drumming session revealed a reversal in stress hormones.

– Boosts your immune system. Studies show that drumming circles boost the immune system. Barry Bittman, MD, neurologist and President of the Yamaha Music & Wellness Institute, has shown that group drumming actually increases natural T-cells, which help the body combat cancer as well as other viruses.

– Creates a sense of connectedness. Drumming circles and group drumming classes provide an opportunity for “synchronicity” in that you connect with your own spirit at a deeper level while also connecting with other like-minded people.

Aligns your body and mind with the natural world. The Greek origin of the word “rhythm” is “to flow.” Drumming allows you to flow with the rhythms of life by simply feeling the beat.

– Provides a way to access a higher power. Shamans often use drumming as a means to integrate mind, body and spirit. They focus on the whole body and then integrate the healing at both the physical and spiritual level by drumming, which connects spiritual forces.

-Releases negative feelings. The act of drumming can serve as a form of self-expression. You can literally drum out your feelings. When held, negative emotions can form energy blockages. The physical stimulation of hitting the drums can help remove those blockages. Drumming has even been used therapeutically to help addicts deal with their emotions.

-Puts you in the present moment. While drumming you are moving your awareness toward the flow of life. When you are flowing with the rhythm of life you cannot be caught up in your past or worrying about your future. Allows for personal transformation.

– Drumming stimulates creative expression. When you drum in a group, you not only get to self-express, but you get feedback from the other drummers. It’s the equivalent of talk therapy! Drum circles provide a means of exploring your inner self, and expanding your consciousness while being part of a community.

⋘ ─ ∗ ECSTATIC DANCE ∗ ─ ⋙

6PM – 8:15PM

Brought to you by: Ecstatic Dance London – We love to dance. We love music. We love to inspire, to connect, to heal and transform!

Discover dance as a moving meditation, body ritual, awareness practice & ceremony

In our Sunday Ecstatic Dance sessions, the musical focus will be more of a World/Medicine music, Afro-House & a Tribal Flow vibe. Our Saturday Ecstatic Dance sessions tend to be more of a celebration with a light-hearted party atmosphere, in these new Sunday Dances, you’re invited to explore “movement as meditation” with beautiful music to accompany your journey…

Ecstatic Dance is a dance/movement practice to explore the exhilarating feeling of moving your body freely. You are invited to move, play, connect, sweat, stretch, sound, unwind, renew, release, improvise, transform. Be true to yourself, while respecting your body, in this space that we co-create together. Move your body, unleash the wild dancing self without caring what people think, claim your freedom, open your heart & touch the infinite!

Our Ecstatic Dance classes create a safe and respectful environment that embraces ‘all ways’. We offer a movement practice that supports your free expression of emotions and inner space through movement and music. Our intention for these Ecstatic Dance classes is self-exploration, connection, fun, healing, expanding human potential and community building through freestyle ecstatic dance.

Enter an open space…and with your bare feet explore the exhilarating feeling of moving your body freely. You are invited to move, play, connect, sweat, stretch, sound, unwind, renew, release, improvise, transform. Be true to yourself, while respecting your body, in this space that we co-create together.


1. Next-level, conscious, inspiring electronic dance music

2. A beautiful, sacred, heartful and fun dance journey

3. A safe space for you to dance freely in

4. Vibrant people who love to dance and love music!

PRACTICE SPECIFICS: Warm-up: stretch, move/dance and reflect on the intention for the dance to a gentle sound wave. The Practice: freestyle dancing to a large sound wave featuring Live DJ set. Some guidance & facilitation will be provided. And then we will let the music, the community and our own inner space direct our steps, our movements, our expression, our journey. Relaxation: Ecstatic Dance usually ends with a deep relaxation.


No late comers please. This is a shared journey from the beginning to the end and we aim to create a safe container for all dancers. If you are more than 30 min late, arriving after 6:30pm, we won’t be able to let you join the session, this is so we can all journey together.

1. No talking during the dance (if you wish to talk to, you are welcome to chat before/after dance outside the building). When we dance without the chitchat, something alchemical can happen on the dancefloor. A unified field of Being emerges and we feel both wild and free, contained within ourselves And connected to something much, much greater than our individual selves.

2. Drug-Free, Smoke-Free, Alcohol-Free environment

3. No photos or videos, Mobile phones muted and out of sight

4. Care/Awareness for the co-created space and each other

5. Move your body however you wish

6. No spectating. Stay connected to your own body, sensations, emotions, and feelings. Ecstatic Dance is about you and your relationship to the Dance. Dancers feel uncomfortable when being spectated at. Come prepared to Dance yourself free from inhibitions!

7. You can dance alone, or with as many partners as (you) like to join. (If you’d rather not dance with someone, thank them for the offer by placing your hands in prayer position at your heart – Namaste.)

8. This is not a pick up place. Please respect all dancers (especially women) and do not ask for anyone’s contact details. If you wish to stay in touch with someone, give them your email instead of asking for their contact details. No means no.

“Our bodies instinctively know what feels good or bad, right or wrong. However, often our heads get in the way. Ecstatic Dance is about finding our way through to what feels good. How can we use dance to consciously transform towards finding joy, without denying our anger or sadness?  Ask yourself: what’s my body feeling in this moment? Does it feel good moving this way, or that? Does it feel nourishing to dance with another, or dance solo? Where do I most feel connected with Self? Let your body lead the way.” ~ Abigail Harris

No experience necessary. All welcome.


At Ecstatic Dance London we LOVE chocolate, RAW chocolate-CACAO! We will provide complimentary Raw Vegan Cacao to superfood charge your dance with us!

Cacao is the ultimate heart opener, it will give you energy, revitalise your BodyMind inviting you to express, release & unleash your creativity during the dance!

Our Raw Vegan Cacao is prepared lovingly by Diana (who makes the best, velvety tasting cacao in town for sure!). She uses ethically sourced, highest quality ingredients from Guatemala, directly from a reliable cacao bean farmer.

Join us to explore Cacao + Ecstatic Dance as a potent synthesis for Transformation. After the dance warm up we will take a moment to attune and connect to what we are grateful for, giving thanks for all the abundance in our life.



We are working closely with the venue and are taking appropriate steps to ensure our indoor dance sessions are covid-secure.

We kindly ask that you respect and follow Siobhan Davies Dance Studio safety guidelines. We reserve the right to exclude and ask to leave any participant who does not honour the below safety guidelines:

SYMPTOMS: If you are showing any Covid-19 symptoms, please DO NOT attend the class. Any participant repeatedly coughing in the space will be asked to leave immediately.

CHECK IN: please arrive ON time for the check in (not before the indicated time). This is to avoid overcrowding and ensure smooth check in and changeover between the sessions.

FACE COVERING: optional.

HAND WASHING: Wash and sanitise your hands regularly and after using the bathroom. All touch hotspots will be regularly cleaned with disinfectant between each session.

CONTACT DETAILS: name and contact details will be kept for 21 days by the venue for track and trace purposes. If you have booked 2 or more tickets under your name, we will need to obtain name & email address from other attendees.

BATHROOMS: please ONLY use bathrooms on the 1st floor by the lift as these are for Roof studio users only.

CHANGING ROOMS: located on the 1st floor. Where possible – please come already dressed in comfortable clothing and dress in layers.

WATER REFILL: please top up your water bottle from the flasks provided outside the Roof studio. It’s tap water.

FRESH AIR: venue has windows that will be opened and fans placed in front of the windows to allow more air flow in the space. There is also a back door fire exit which will be opened in between each session to ventilate the space.

CACAO: our Raw Vegan Cacao is carefully prepared in a clean kitchen and will be poured in eco friendly paper cups and served on a tray.

SILENT DISCO HEADPHONES: clean set & head bandanas will be provided.


Siobhan Davies Studios (Roof Studio)
85 Saint George's Road
London, England SE1 6ER United Kingdom
+ Google Map