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NEW YEARS EVE CELEBRATION with Ecstatic Dance London – Sober Wellness Rave

December 31, 2024 @ 9:30 pm - January 1, 2025 @ 1:00 am GMT

Celebrate New Year’s Eve with a group of conscious dance, healthy living and wellbeing enthusiasts! A unique Ecstatic Dance Conscious party!

For updates and discounts on all our events in 2025, please sign up to our mailing list!

NEW YEARS EVE CELEBRATION 2024-2025 with Ecstatic Dance London – A Sober Rave & Conscious Party 9:30pm-1am!

Join us for this unique New Years’ Eve event held in a Drug & Alcohol-free environment!

We’ve hosted many EPIC sober & conscious parties and New Year’s Eve events in London over the years and guarantee the best hangover-free night out in an AWESOME dance space with INCREDIBLE sound system!

New Year’s Eve only happens once a year, and it’s an awesome time for our sober dancers who love to dress up and make some memories. So come as you are, and/or dress-up, all are welcome!

Our NYE Sober-Rave & Ecstatic Dance is a one-of-a-kind experience, an opportunity to pamper yourself at a clean (alcohol and drug-free) event, it’s the chance to meet and connect with other lovely sober people! Our Ecstatic Dance NYE Celebration is much more than just a party, it’s a freestyle, expressive dance & moving meditation practice with some facilitation. After the dance warm up we will move, sweat & release out what no longer serves us in our lives, and then we’ll be dancing in our dreams, wishes, visions and intentions for the coming year, consciously planting them into our hearts, bodies, and souls!

A very special NYE event in London, and we would love you to join us to experience this beautiful celebration!
A magical New Year’s Eve offering from the pioneers of Ecstatic Dance in the UK – Ecstatic Dance London!

– The Musical Vibe is “Next-level, Conscious, Versatile and Inspiring Electronic Dance Music, World Beat, Deep House, and Downtempo Bliss, plus a few surprises slipped in for good measure!! Ecstatic Music Journeys for Conscious Movement and Sacred Celebration.”
– Alcohol and drug-free environment!
– A unique conscious clubbing experience in a spacious venue!
Superb sound system
– Cacao Ceremony & Intention Setting Ritual
– Yummy, velvety tasting raw vegan cacao
– A Beautiful, Welcoming, Heartful, Fun and Safe Space for You to Dance Freely
– Vibrant People Who Love to Dance and Love Music
– Mesmerizing Visuals and Countdown
– Healthy Shots at Midnight!
– Teas, Selection of High Vibe savoury & sweet Veggie Snacks, Refreshing Fruit
– Home-made freshly brewed Chai (caffeine free, dairy free, sugar free)

Best Sober New Years Eve Party in London and no hangover!

Join us for this unique New Years’ Eve experience!
*An All-Inclusive Ticket! Ticket price includes: Cacao Ceremony, Gratitude Wall, Teas, Chai, Snacks, Healthy Shots at midnight & much more!


For booking and more info: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/new-years-eve-celebration-with-ecstatic-dance-london-conscious-clubbing-tickets-1095962024919?aff=oddtdtcreator

-This is a zero-tolerance drug and alcohol space! This is one of the very few spaces where Londoners can go out for New Year’s Eve in a safe and clean sober space. Please respect this, and please don’t come drunk or high as you will be refused entry or asked to leave. No refunds!

-Event will be captured! We live in the age of social media, and to capture the magic and beauty of this alcohol and drug-free event we will be filming. Please know in attending this event you agree to be filmed/photographed. If you do not agree to be filmed, please do not attend! Sorry, it sounds harsh but we are simply on a heart-felt mission to counter the status quo and to show people that they really don’t need to be drunk or high to have a good time.

If you have any questions, please get in touch via email: youareyoubeyou@gmail.com