THE RITUAL: Tantric Trance Dance, Conscious Connections, Ecstatic Dance

2 minutes from Tufnell Park Station (full address in order confirmation email, scroll down in the email please) Burghley Road, (Entry on Burghley Rd, opposite Burghley Yard), London

You are warmly invited to an Immersive Experience of Somatic Embodiment, Conscious Connections & Boundaries Workshop, Ecstatic Dance & Cacao THE RITUAL: Tantric Trance Dance, Conscious Connections, Embodied Ecstatic Dance […]


ECSTATIC SATURDAYS: SOBER CLUBBING Ecstatic Dance & Cacao Ceremony in North London

2 minutes from Tufnell Park Station (full address in order confirmation email, scroll down in the email please) Burghley Road, (Entry on Burghley Rd, opposite Burghley Yard), London

Ecstatic Dance, Delicious Cacao, Epic Music! No booze, No Shoes, No Chit Chat, Move However You Wish!! Saturday night ecstatic dance with sound system, raw vegan cacao, positive intention setting […]